“After the ceasefire Bruno set off looking for his friend。 Her neighborhood saw heavy fighting and the majority of housing had been reduced to ruins, but she found shelter in the basement which somehow held。 Despite the hardships she managed to survive and was happy to see Bruno alive aswell。 They remain friends to this day。”
“After the ceasefire Bruno went looking for his friend。 Her neighborhood witnessed heavy fighting, and most of the houses were reduced to ruins。 She was nowhere to be found, and her neighbors did not know what happened to her。 Bruno never saw her again。”
“After the ceasefire Bruno went looking for his friend。 Her neighborhood saw heavy fighting, and most of the houses had been reduced to ruins, but she found shelter in the basement which held。 Eating rats and scavenging scraps of food, she somehow managed to survive。 Bruno felt responsible for her misery。 He has never forgiven himself。”
“Despite his valiant struggle, Bruno didn‘t make it through the war。 The fate of his friend he was worried about remains unknown”
“After having lost all hope, Bruno tied the noose around his neck。 His last thoughts were of his lost friend, and what could have been but not meant to be。”
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